Return & Complaints


MMA Designers company produces products according to the client’s guidelines on individual orders. The creation of a personalized product results in the loss of the right to return the order.

In the event of non-collection of a cash-on-delivery shipment containing a custom-made product, the customer is obliged to cover the full order costs.


We accept complaints in the following situations:

– Ramka zawiera błędne informacje względem podanych w zamówieniu, np. inny nickname lub skin championa.

– Ramka uległa uszkodzeniu podczas transportu

– Zamówienie zostało dostarczone po ustalonym czasie dostawy, bez wcześniejszego poinformowania ze strony firmy o takim opóźnieniu.

Please direct complaints to the email address: [email protected] If a complaint is approved, we will resend the correct product or refund the customer the full amount for the order.

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